Project Disability resources

We are here to help you with our Disability resources! Because every child in Bangladesh can learn.

Online training

We provide online training to those who support children with disabilities with knowledge and skills benefitting the child and the family.  You can select which modules to study and skip certain modules or sub-modules when the child already master them.

The first module is on feeding a child with cerebral palsy. Demonstrating for example in what position to best feed a child, what food to give the child, which problems may be encountered (e.g. exaggerated bite reflex, gag reflex or tactile hypersensitivity) and how to deal with those. The second video is on how to deal specifically with reflux with children with complex disabilities. If you would like to read the information, download the booklet in English or Bengali. The third video is about how to help a child with cerebral palsy with drooling.  We explain why children drool excessively and what you can do to manage it.

Video Player

If you like to read the information, download at the end of this page the booklets in English or Bengali.

This second module is about motor skills development, showing the critical milestones for children with cerebral palsy such as the development of head balance, rolling and sitting, and starting to walk. it will help parents/caregivers realize that their child with a disability does not develop like typical children of the same age, but that the child, with the right kind of support, can develop many skills resulting in a better quality of life. The child might be able to walk, speak, eat, interact with others, though maybe in different ways. Considering that a family is generally the first learning and protective environment for children, capacity building and guidance are critical for families to provide the best possible care for their children right from the start.

Video Player

The third module is about how to stimulate communication. Children with disabilities may have a delayed verbal communication. That’s why we explain in this video how mothers, fathers and caretakers can help children express their feelings and teach them to speak. It is important to know that speaking is not the only way to express feelings/ communicating- random words, gestures, facial expressions- all these are part of communication.


You can also find our videos on our knowledgeplatform Shokkhom, which can also be downloaded as app on your phone.


Our devices are made from locally sourced materials by youngsters with a disability. We believe the devices to be a significant asset to inclusion and development of children with special needs. The products can be ordered at: Ability Center, Putiajani, Post office: Baliakhora, Thana Ghior, District Manikganj Phone: +880 01736-853023

standing frame

Standing frame

Positioning a child with special needs in an upright, standing position is the first step to facilitating bone and muscle development and maintaining range of motion in addition to encouraging better functioning of the body’s internal systems. Standing benefits the five B’s: bone, breathing, blood, bowel/bladder, and brain. The prone standing frame helps the child to strengthen his muscles, it stimulates the senses and improves the physical development, but it also gives a new perception of the world and improves social skills.

A standing frame cost 5.500 tk


Corner chair

A corner chair has a V-shaped backrest that provides support at the back and sides of the user, and is made specifically for children who cannot stabilize themselves against gravity. Corner chairs are perfect for children who may need head, trunk and pelvis support for attaining proper sitting alignment and posture. With the freedom of the hands and arms placed forward, the child can use them more freely for play, exploration, visual scanning, attending to objects, speaking and eating. Young users with low trunk tone may also show improved breathing.    A corner chair cost 4.500 tk


Our team can provide all kinds of training to parents, caretakers, (special needs) teachers and anybody else in a position to influence the well-being and development of children with multiple and complex disabilities.

Hereby a summary of the trainings we can provide:

  • Disability and it’s causes
  • Autism
  • Classroom management
  • How to make an IEP
  • Total communication
  • Thematic education
  • The importance of play
  • Methodical work approach


Download the books we helped to make or visit Perkins International to find more books and one-pagers on different subjects.

Support this project

Support us in developing resources so that we can help more children to develop.


Or help us in another way.

Project cost

Total Per child
per year

per month


16 October 2023 Knowledge sharing

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11 May 2023 Instructional videos on crawling, standing and walking

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17 September 2018 A research on meningitis

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23 May 2023 Evaluation CBR program

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16 April 2019 Niketan methods of a high international level

Niketan has developed dozens of methods and training courses in recent years. To gain insight into whether the…

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24 October 2018 Prone Standing Frame – The earlier you start the better

The prone standing frame helps a child to strengthen his muscles, it stimulates the senses and improves the…

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26 September 2018 Reaching the hard to reach

A large number of children with disabilities still face exclusion and discrimination. They are invisible, often locked in…

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30 April 2020 Webinar: Disability-inclusive disaster response in Bangladesh

Disasters are on the rise and Bangladesh is a country often affected by natural and man-made disasters. These…

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  • Socialization

    Actively promote and encourage the participation of children and young people with disabilities in society.