News Ready for appropriate work

Fourteen youngsters with an intellectual disability pass their final exam of the My Way to Work training. During a job interview they had to show what they learned the past two years.

In the training course  ‘My Way to Work’ which is part of our ‘The Right to Decide’ approach, they learned social skills like asking a question and to criticize someone. Other subjects in the training was; working attitude, personal hygiene and strong and weak characteristics. The youngsters are now ready to work in an appropriate (sheltered) working place. We are reaching out to companies in Bangladesh to give those youngsters the opportunity to use their talents.

Rene Heijmans the founder of the Dutch training recognised Akhlas Uddin and Rabeya Yasmeen Neela as the first official trainers of the My Way to Work training in Bangladesh. We are extremely proud of the results and high marks of the students.

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8 August 2024 Learning brief: Sexual and Reproductive Health education.

Niketan/DRRA has been offering Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) education since 2016. With this Learning Brief we want to…

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4 June 2024 Annual report 2023

It is with great pleasure that we hereby share with you the link to our annual report.

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